Innova - Charger - Star
Innova - Charger - Star
Le Chargeur est un driver de vitesse 13 à finition neutre qui peut être lancé à pleine puissance sans se soucier du ''flip'' du disque. Le Charger comble un vide entre le Destroyer et le Shryke. Pour les joueurs recherchant la cohérence du Destroyer avec moins de fade, essayez le Charger. Pour ceux qui recherchent la grande distance du Shryke, mais dans un disque qui supporte mieux le vent, essayez le Charger.
The Charger is a straight-finishing, 13-speed driver that can be thrown at full power without worrying about the disc flipping over. The Charger fills a gap between the Destroyer and the Shryke. For players looking for the consistency of the Destroyer with less fade, try the Charger. For those looking for the big distance of the Shryke, but in a disc that can better handle the wind, try the Charger
Speed: 13 Glide: 5 Turn: -1 Fade: 2